Sunday, November 9, 2008

Create Tag Cloud C# 2.0 - The simplest and fastest way


palad1 palad2 palad3 palad4

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace WebApplication1

public class ItemFeq

private string _PhotoName;

public string PhotoName
get { return _PhotoName; }
set { _PhotoName = value; }
private int _Count;

public int Count
get { return _Count; }
set { _Count = value; }

private int _Size;

public int Size
get { return _Size; }
set { _Size = value; }

public ItemFeq(string photoname, int count, int size)
_PhotoName = photoname;
_Count = count;
_Size = size;

public class ItemTag
private int _ItemID;

public int PhotoID
get { return _ItemID; }
set { _ItemID = value; }
private string _Tag;

public string Tag
get { return _Tag; }
set { _Tag = value; }

public ItemTag(int itemid, string tag)
_Tag = tag;
_ItemID = itemid;

public class ItemTagComparer : IComparer<ItemTag>
public int Compare(ItemTag x, ItemTag y)
if (x.Tag == y.Tag) { return 0; } else { return x.Tag.CompareTo(y.Tag); }


public class ItemFeqByCountComparer : IComparer<ItemFeq>
public int Compare(ItemFeq x, ItemFeq y)
if (x.Count == y.Count)
{ return 0; }
{ return x.Count.CompareTo(y.Count); }


public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page

public string CreateTagCloud(List<ItemTag> tags, int baseSize)

tags.Sort(new ItemTagComparer());

List<ItemFeq> photofeqlist = new List<ItemFeq>();

foreach (ItemTag ptag in tags)
if (photofeqlist.Exists(delegate(ItemFeq pf) { return pf.PhotoName == ptag.Tag; }))
photofeqlist.Find(delegate(ItemFeq pq) { return pq.PhotoName == ptag.Tag; }).Count += 1;
photofeqlist.Find(delegate(ItemFeq pq) { return pq.PhotoName == ptag.Tag; }).Size += 1;
photofeqlist.Add(new ItemFeq(ptag.Tag, 1, baseSize));

photofeqlist.Sort(new ItemFeqByCountComparer());

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

int sum = 0;
foreach (ItemFeq pf in photofeqlist)
sum += pf.Count;

foreach (ItemFeq pf in photofeqlist)
sb.Append("<span style='font-size:" + (pf.Size / (sum / photofeqlist.Count)) * baseSize + "pt'>" + pf.PhotoName + " </span>");

return sb.ToString();

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

List<ItemTag> phototags = new List<ItemTag>();
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(123, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(124, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(125, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(126, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(126, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad2"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad3"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(123, "palad3"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(124, "palad3"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(125, "palad4"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(126, "palad4"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(121, "palad1"));
phototags.Add(new ItemTag(122, "palad1"));

Literal1.Text = CreateTagCloud(phototags, 12);
