SSL is expensive to renew and this is how you can do it with Let's Encrypt FREE SSL
Step 1
go to to generate free SSL certificate. There are 3 files: private.key, certificate.crt and ca_bundle.crt
Step 2
Download openssl for windows Win32 OpenSSL v1.1.1c is preferred.
Step 3
Generate .pfx from the SSL certificate downloaded from There are 3 files.
just execute from the openssl bin directory, make sure the 3 files are copied into the bin directory for simplicity: openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey private.key -in certificate.crt -certfile ca_bundle.crt
Step 4
Go to IIS > Server Certificates > Import > Select Web Hosting as your Certificate store
Step 5
Bind the SSL certificate as usual.