Wednesday, August 24, 2011

get database columns using mssql server

SELECT AS [Schema], AS [Table], AS [Column],
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 34    THEN 'byte[]'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 35    THEN 'string'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 36    THEN 'System.Guid'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 48    THEN 'byte'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 52    THEN 'short'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 56    THEN 'int'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 58    THEN 'System.DateTime'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 59    THEN 'float'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 60    THEN 'decimal'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 61    THEN 'System.DateTime'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 62    THEN 'double'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 98    THEN 'object'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 99    THEN 'string'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 104   THEN 'bool'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 106   THEN 'decimal'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 108   THEN 'decimal'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 122   THEN 'decimal'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 127   THEN 'long'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 165   THEN 'byte[]'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 167   THEN 'string'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 173   THEN 'byte[]'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 175   THEN 'string'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 189   THEN 'long'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 231   THEN 'string'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 239   THEN 'string'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 241   THEN 'string'
             WHEN columns.system_type_id = 241   THEN 'string'
         END AS [Type],
         columns.is_nullable AS [Nullable]

FROM              sys.tables tables
    INNER JOIN    sys.schemas schemas ON (tables.schema_id = schemas.schema_id )
    INNER JOIN    sys.columns columns ON (columns.object_id = tables.object_id) 

WHERE <> 'sysdiagrams' 
    AND <> 'dtproperties' 

ORDER BY [Schema], [Table], [Column], [Type]

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

how to generate json file from .net object

    public class data_city
        private string _city;

        public string city
            get { return _city; }

        public data_city(string city)
            _city = city;


    public class data_state
        public data_state(string id, string name)
            _id = id;
            _name = name;

        private string _id;

        public string id
            get { return _id; }
        private string _name;

        public string name
            get { return _name; }

        private List<data_city> _Cities = new List<data_city>();

        public List<data_city> cities
            get { return _Cities; }
            set { _Cities = value; }


    private void GenerateJsonCities()

        var state = from s in developerDataContext.States
                                orderby s.DisplayOrder
                                select new { id = s.StateCode, name = s.Description };

        List<data_state> dsl = new List<data_state>(); 
        foreach (var s in state)
            data_state ds = new data_state(,;

            List<City> ss  = developerDataContext.Cities.Where(p => p.StateCode == => p.City1).ToList();

            foreach (City c in ss)
                ds.cities.Add(new data_city(c.City1));



        JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        string json = serializer.Serialize(dsl);

        string city_json = string.Format("var data_state = {0};", json);

        File.WriteAllText(MapPath("~/scripts/referenceData/state_city.js"), city_json);

